throat chakra symbol on clouds

The throat chakra

If you are looking to improve your communication, or raise your vibration, look no further than the throat chakra.

The fifth energy centre is the first of the three higher energy centres, which all rule over mental processes and intuition.  The main theme for the fifth chakra is self-expression; which goes hand in hand with creativity.  True self-expression can only develop once there is a strong sense of self and you are comfortable sharing your authentic truth.  

The throat chakra rules all matters of communication, which is why it is so closely linked to all the other chakras.  Vissudha, the sanskrit name for the throat chakra means “purification”, which shares with us the knowledge that only once the lower chakras have been successfully healed and balanced can the higher chakras begin to open and unfold naturally.

throat chakra symbol

the throat chakra symbol


The sanskrit name for the sacral chakra, vissudha, means “purification” and is represented by the colour blue. The right of this chakra is to speak and to be heard.  The throat chakra is located at the centre of the neck, in the throat and rules over communication.  This energy centre is closely connected with the sacral chakra (emotions) and the heart (love/self-acceptance).

what's in this post...

the development of the fifth chakra

Age: 7 to 12 years
Includes: Communication, listening, creativity, sound, self-expression, writing
Theme: Learning to express oneself through clear, authentic communication

In today’s society, we are constantly bombarded with information, sounds, and frequencies from the easy access we have to technology and multimedia. We are very receptive which means that any sound, visual or frequency that we experience has an impacts on us in some way–and sometimes in an oppressive way.  As a result, our self-expression may become restricted and we may choose to live our lives out of resonance with who we really are.  When we engage with platforms like social media at such a young age, it comes with new concerns and fears like worrying about how well we are going to be received online… Even though the majority of popular accounts are strategic and calculated. With these social apps being so readily available (and free to use), it opens children up to the dangers of social media, much earlier in life than ever before.   

The fifth chakra is about developing our creative identity as much as it is about truth and communication.  We are looking to connect with our uniqueness and discover what we can creatively contribute to the world.  This is why it is essential for children during this crucial period to connect to themselves, and take time away from the internet to learn who they are at their core, first–away from all the external disruptions.  This way, before they open themselves up to outside criticism they have had the opportunity to discover their own truth– resonate frequency–which will only strengthen the expression from the throat chakra and keep it open amongst any external noise.

The development of the throat chakra begins when children start to expand their learning environment, as they begin to become more involved at school.  As children begin to feel more secure in their relationships, they begin to gain confidence to explore who they are and who they want to become. The caregivers (and teachers) play a vital role in this development.  They must validate and support any artistic expression and continue motivating them as they experiment with who they are as this will assist with their personal growth.  This process of creative experimentation and discovery, is important for the development of confident self-expression and authentically.  It prepares them with resilience to stay true to themselves in a world that is filled with diverse and borderline oppressive influences.

common issues

lack of creativity

  • always feeling uninspired with no interest for creative activities 
  • unconscious desire to produce what is widely accepted to avoids creative risks, copying the ideas of others

wanting to fit in

  • social and creative identity is based around appeasing to environment
  • afraid to take risks that promote individuality or self-expression


  • feeling shame or guilt surrounding creativity
  • belief they have nothing useful (ideas or creative wise) to contribute to the world

traumas or abuse

As we get to the higher chakras, most of the traumas or abuses also negatively impact the lower chakras. Since the fifth chakra provides the way for communicating with others, the traumas that occur here will likely shut it down, before impacting the other centres. 

Here are five examples of traumas or abuse that can compromise the development of the throat chakra:

  1. Fear, Guilt or Shame – Lower Chakras
    Like the polarizing effect they have on the lower chakras, these three shadows can cause a blockage in the throat chakra.  Keeping unexpressed feelings inside compromises the throat chakra and will shut it down. Ever noticed how when you’re afraid to say something, it’s all of a sudden it’s hard to speak?  It’s best to get it off your chest.
  2. Keeping Secrets
    The burden of keeping secrets creates a lock on the throat chakra. A child with a family secret, holds that close to them associating the act of withholding information as an act of love.  This restricts the child from any opportunity of developing their fifth chakra since they are forbidden from living in their actual truth. Instead, it leads them to developing an unconscious connection between feeling safe and withholding information–a lifelong pattern that will be detrimental in close relationships.  The same concerns arise if secrets are kept from children–they believe that not expressing how you feel, is the right way to process certain situations, instead of open communication.
  3. Mixed Messages
    From a young age, caregivers need to be aware that they are demonstrating integrity; aligning their words with their actions.  As children learn how to develop healthy communication, mixed messages can impede on their development.  If a caregiver is enforcing a child to communicate against their will (or feelings) by making them apologize when they don’t feel sorry, or telling them to act friendly when they really don’t like someone–it is teaching them to lie.  Another example is in abusive situations where the authority says, “I love you” and praises the child, but continues to mistreat and abuse them in the process.  These mixed messages not only effect the development of the solar plexus chakra, but also blocks the throat chakra by instigating its shadow. 
  4. Yelling/Screaming
    A young child who grows up in a hostile or toxic environment learns to tune out of heated conversations. This tendency and connection that safety is from not listening, directly impairs their future ability to communicate.
  5. Neglect – No Communication – Lower Chakras
    Children learn to communicate by being included in a conversation.  They learn the model for their communication style by imitating those they have interactions with growing up.  Early interactions help them to learn what actually works and how to be effective.  For a child to not experience any engagement or form of communication is not only a sign of neglect from their caregiver, but also a form of abuse as they are learning to develop their voice.  It creates a block that will impede on future relationships as the child never learns to share openly.

signs of disharmony

A balanced throat chakra allows for clear and authentic communication. It operates harmoniously with the higher and lower chakras to confidently express personal opinions and truths.  It has the ability to articulate thoughts and feelings effectively, as well as to listen empathetically to others.  It is rooted in a strong sense of self and a healthy ego. 

Signs of disharmony can manifest in various ways. If it is blocked, it often leads to excessive introversion; making it difficult for someone to express anything or take in new information. Typically, this is a result of trauma and unresolved emotions being stored in the body–blocking any energy from circulating in this chakra centre.  

Any tension or physical symptoms that surround the jaw or upper shoulders are also a sign of a disharmony. If there are constant issues with lungs, like getting sick frequently it can indicate that there is a lot of energy that needs to be healed and cleared.  A great indicator for the health for the throat chakra is the voice.  The quality and resonance of someone’s voice can shine a light on where they may be out of balance and provide guidance for where they could start healing

shadow of the throat chakra

Nothing resonates quite like the truth, which is what makes lying the shadow of the throat chakra.  The tendency to lie, often develops very young and is influenced by the caretakers who played a role in shaping the child’s understanding of acceptable behaviour.  Telling children how they should feel or behave and instructing them to accept situations they find unacceptable, teaches them to be dishonest and mistrust the connection they have with themselves.  This early conditioning teaches them that it’s okay to deny or withhold their truth.

Negative experiences and social interactions can further reinforce this behaviour, as children grow up and learn to restrict sharing their personal views if they differ from the majority.  This fear triggers the shadow of the first chakra, fear. It associates rejection with survival instincts, making it feel threatening to tell the truth..

When we are not sharing our personal truth, we are effectively living a lie.  These lies impact more then our relationships, and actually ripple out in our frequency from the misalignment held within our bodies. For example, if we don’t want to reveal how we are feeling, we might restrict our body or alter our actions to hide our physical reactions. This restriction, furthering the withheld physical tension and perpetuating a cycle of inauthenticity that causes further disconnection from our true selves.

underactive vs. excessive


In an underactive throat chakra, internal efforts for communicating outwardly are blocked and retreat inwards.  Outward communication overpowers the energy that tries to flow out.  This results in someone who has:

  • restricted communication or an inability to get a message across clearly
  • an inability to be open, or share intimate or authentic feelings in close relationships
  • does not feel comfortable or sees the importance of communicating openly about needs or desires


No grounding from the lower chakras, an excessive throat chakra overexerts itself and has an abundance of energy flowing out.  Below are some examples of how someone communicates with excessive fifth chakra energy.

  • excessive talking with little meaning or thought behind conversation
  • controlling communication style or wanting to be the centre of attention at all times
  • communicates openly but superficially, without expressing their true feelings on the topic of conversation

healing work

The throat chakra corresponds to the etheric level of our metaphysical existence, making us succeptable to the subtle energies that permeate our surroundings. Think about the air that surrounds us, filled with vibrations from sounds, communication or the flow of thoughts and creativity that we can tap into. This connection highlights the importance of the upper chakras, which when working in harmony, corresponds to the state of our mind. 

A physical sign of a healthy fifth chakra can be seen by looking at the areas around the shoulders, mouth and neck.  The mind-body connection happens when the head is in proper alignment with the neck. The neck serves as the conduit for the thoughts and emotions from the sixth and seventh chakra to become manifest through the lower, physical oriented chakras. The throat chakra connection is so important for personal transformations as it provides the connection to break poor habits, since it integrates mental clarity (above) with physical action (below).  Without it, the body operates on unconscious autopilot, following through on habitual actions.

Below are a few examples of activities that can help with opening and healing the throat chakra.  A great way to measure the success of these tools is to look at your comfort and enjoyment with participating in these activities.

heal with music

  • listen to healing tones or sound bowls for the chakra that you’re looking to balance
  • listen or write music that promotes self-expression through connecting with your inner emotions

focus on writing

  • connect to intuitive guidance through the higher chakras with automatic writing
  • connect to the innermost parts of yourself and journal about past experiences to release and move on

chant or use mantras

  • each chakra has a corresponding chant from the ancient seed sound dating back to its tantric text and a vowel sound that resonates with the chakra (and the body)
  • practice attuning by chanting

support for healing

Every energy centre has its own frequency, and we attract experiences based on our resonant frequency. The throat chakra is the first etheric layer in the subtle energy body.  This layer is connected to the element of sound.  The element of sound not only refers to music or  healing frequencies, but ultimately the vibrational frequencies that makes up all that there is.  It truly helps us to realize that everything around us, is connected to us.  To reiterate from above, this is why healing the throat chakra is not only necessary, but so impactful.

To further your healing journey, below are some examples of lifestyle add-ins that can help with balancing or strengthening the throat chakra. Each chakra has a related food (or drink), aromatherapy scent, preferred form of exercise, healing crystal, Sanskrit chant, and affirmation (mantra), that supports it with maintaining it’s authentic frequency.

Daily Affirmation: I am clear in what I want to communicate and I do so, easily.

Chant: HAM (hahm)
Vowel Sound: Eeeee (sleep)

Solfeggio Frequency: 741 Hz

Sound Bowl Frequency: 385-392 Hz
Music Note: G

Aromatherapy: Lemongrass, Eucalyptus

Food: Fruit Juice, herbal teas, water

Exercise: Singing, Chanting, Playing an Instrument
Yoga Pose: Fish Pose

Healing Crystals: Aquamarine, Amazonite and Blue Calcite

Please note: The above lifestyle suggestions do not include recommendations for addressing the emotional or mental healing work that could be an underlying factor in challenges with the throat chakra. While the modalities above can strengthen and significantly heal the throat chakra; these tools may release repressed emotions that will then come up into your awareness for processing in order for the healing to occur.

Coach’s Note: A coach is useful for applying accountability to make the helpful and necessary changes for self-improvement. They can help you discover where you may be struggling and guide you on how to get to the root of the issue.   A mentor or coach is effective in providing a pathway for you to follow to reach your goals. However, it is not replacement for medical attention or professional talk therapy to identify or process the emotions from the impact of personal trauma.

other resources for you

laptop mockup

FREE: chakra cheatsheet