the chrysalis coach

breakthroughs don't happen overnight

I see you, feeling the need for change, the desire to shift to better health but confused and overwhelmed about where to start. 

The support I provide will elevate, educate and empower you to become the best version of yourself. Through my courses, I have captured my innovative perspective in a methodical way for you to navigate your transitions with support by your side. 

for the recharge and rise

burnout breakthrough

Are you experiencing chronic fatigue, lack of inspiration and struggling to stay optimistic? If you feel you are constantly under pressure, or find you are completely desensitized to it… this self-paced course is for you.

Inside, I share the stages I went through and the steps I took, which helped me to get unstuck and triggered me into aligned action. I teach you the fundamentals of energetic anatomy so you can experience the internal shifts first, before having a total breakthrough.

rise and revitalize course
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FOR the full metamorphosis

the chrysalis codes

It’s time for you to rise up, release the past and step out into the next version of you. You know you are ready for a change, but want the structure of transformation delivered to you ensuring you will get there.

I provide the guidance on the key lifestyle changes which are crucial to delivering and sustaining the results you want. You will learn about the mind-gut connection and how your emotional health is crucial for releasing the mental weight preventing your physical evolution.


FOR soul growth & expansion

awakening alignment

Do you feel called to strengthen your intuition and tap into more of your personal power? Are you looking to recover your innate wisdom and live a more inspired life, on your own terms?

You will receive guidance on the best lifestyle choices that will enhance your intuitive abilities, along with support for your awakening. I will lead you through the deep, inner work necessary to shed your limitations, leaving you with the confidence to express and embrace your full authenticity.


awakenalignmentcourse photo

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ready to stop wishing and get started?

Have questions? Check out my FAQ page, or contact my team directly at [email protected]
